Tips to easily cut meat


Are you new to cutting meat in the kitchen? If yes, you have landed on the right website. Today is the time to discuss about essential cutlery items useful for slicing meat. Most of the households don’t even know to pick the right cutlery piece for food preparation. It is funny and shocking to realize the fact that thousands of food preparers are ignorant about the usage of perfect knives like the gyuto knife which can efficiently chop vegetables as well as meat.

  • Use grain
  • Freeze the meat
  • Right meat matters
  • Pick the right knife

Use grain: You can see many butchers directly dividing the flesh of the animal in a meat shop. But does that really help in yielding chewable pieces? Well, the answer is a partial yes. Because butchers have sharp and huge knives which can easily cut through the flesh. But as a homemaker, you must cut the flesh against the grain. This means identification of the muscle fibers and slicing perpendicularly with a moderately sharp tool. This tip can is extremely beneficial for lovers of tough pieces such as flank steak and skirt.

Freeze the meat: Most people assume that cutting unfrozen meat is easy. However, the truth is the slicing of semi-frozen meat is much smoother compared to unfrozen one. Once the existing water inside the flesh freezes and crystallizes the meat becomes firmer thus making the cutting process easy. That being said, it is not suggested to let the meat become an ice ball. Freeze the product for 45 to 60 minutes depending on its thickness. Most 1-inch thick flesh is put in the freezer for 45 minutes.

Right meat matters: Some of the purchased pieces fall under the category of luxury cuts. They are known to be expensive and easier to cut. That’s because they are tender in nature. One pro tip would be to check the toughness of the meat in the market using a fork and accordingly buy it.

Pick the right knife: As mentioned earlier, don’t go around buying cheap cutlery tools. You may save money for a temporary period but you will waste a lot of time struggling to cut the meat. There are a variety of knives available in the market that are specially designed for dividing the flesh into fragments of which chef’s knife, cleaver, and boning knife are commonly purchased by cooks. You must pick the one that is easy to handle and can easily chop the meat.

Bottom line

From the above, it is evident that you can efficiently cut edible flesh by following the above-listed tips. Most importantly do not forget to add a gyuto knife to your cart as it is a multipurpose tool; chops meat and vegetables.

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