Cleaning a Blocked Drain: Methods to Use

Keeping your drains clean is a vital aspect of housekeeping. When your drains become blocked on a regular basis, it may become not only a long-term but also a costly problem. If issues persist, your pipes may wear out, resulting in water leaks or even flooding. This will cause extensive damage to your property and the loss of priceless memories.
Fortunately, there are several methods for cleaning up your drains properly. The following are some of the least destructive options for minor construction concerns. For more significant issues, you will need to get professional assistance to ensure that your pipelines are fully maintained; otherwise, a minor block may remain. In this case, Towers Plumbing can help because drain cleaning is part of their residential plumbing services in Muray, UT.
There are several methods for cleaning your drains. A plunger is the most common and straightforward way to use it. In a nutshell, a plunger generates enormous suction and pressure, blasting through and dislodging any impediments or jams caught in the pipes. Plungers’ popularity is likely owing to the ease with which they can be bought in most areas and are the simplest way to remove a block in a hurry.
A drain snake is another good DIY alternative for cleaning your drains. This extended, flexible metal component goes into the drain. The drain snake will assist in breaking up any obstructions in your drain by trapping the impediment or breaking it up with its teeth and either breaking up to make it easier to flush out or bringing it up through the drain to remove it. Because you must guarantee that the clog is gone, even if it splits up but does not flush out, this method of drain cleaning can be time-consuming.
Baking Soda With Vinegar
Combining baking soda and vinegar is another method for cleaning your drains. One cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar should be poured down the drain. Allow the mixture to rest for a few hours before flushing it with hot water. This procedure is helpful in removing small drain obstructions, such as food clogs, in your kitchen sink. Because the components are readily available in your home pantry, it is far safer than store-bought drain cleaning treatments. While this method will not work for significant blockages, it will help with minor ones.
Hiring a Professional
Although it may be tempting to unclog a drain on your own, hiring a professional is typically better for you and your wallet. Towers Plumbing knows which approaches work because they have been in the industry for 80 years. They never use harmful chemicals while they work, so your pipes will last for many years.
Towers Plumbing also cleans water and sewer lines in Murray, UT, and surrounding areas, in addition to sinks and toilets. This frequently involves the use of hydro jetting, a highly pressured procedure capable of removing blockages as large as tree roots!
If they detect that your pipes are damaged beyond repair, they will tell you immediately. They can repipe your home with either copper or PEX lining. Each offers its own advantages, so your plumber will give you information about both so you can choose the best course of action.
A clog can be highly inconvenient, but it can also be the perilous beginning of worse difficulties in the future. When you detect water accumulating near your drain, act quickly. After resolving the initial issue on your own, contact Towers Plumbing for a thorough and precise job well done.