Advice on Repairing a Wrought Iron Fence


You may be wondering if you can restore your wrought iron fence to its former glory. Whether you bought a house with a wrought iron fence or haven’t maintained it in a while, there are things you can do to make it look like new again. The good news is that the solutions in this article will help you get it back to its original state. A wrought iron fence can last for many years if properly maintained.

Routine Maintenance Instructions in Steps

Take care of the area around the fence.

There is a good chance that weeds, grasses, and vines will proliferate in the area where the fence is installed. Keep an eye out for garbage thrown against the fence. If you remove all of the debris and keep a close eye on it, your fence will look its best.

Keep an eye out for rusted areas.

Any flaws on the metal’s surface, such as corrosion or flaking paint, must be removed. You can do this with a wire brush or sandpaper.

If any rusty areas are discovered after sanding, you must prime and paint those specific components. Inquire with the company that installed your fence about repair kits. If they don’t have what you’re looking for, you can find it at any home improvement store. Primer, epoxy enamel, and paint are all required. It is critical to remember to use a mask when painting to avoid discomfort throughout the painting process.

Take note of any broken or loose hardware.

Inspect all of the hardware and hinges to ensure that everything is in working order. If not, you can talk to the fence contractors denver co who built your fence about getting replacement parts. Examine your documentation as well because the components may be covered by warranty.

Keep a regular fence cleaning schedule.

Wash it once every few months to keep its beautiful appearance in good condition. Rainwater alone is insufficient. To finish the job, combine a non-ionized detergent with warm soapy water and a soft rag. Before using it again, make sure that all of the soap has been rinsed away with water and that it is completely dry. It is not necessary to towel dry it after washing. It is also possible to sun-dry it.

Powder coating may necessitate the services of a professional.

If your fence is powder coated and requires repairs, you must hire a qualified specialist. Many people believe that powder coating is a more aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting finishing option for iron fences than painting.

This is because it prevents rusting and increases the material’s lifespan, both of which are advantages. If you are unsure whether your fence is powder coated, contact your fencing contractor.

You’ll need to maintain your wrought iron fence on a regular basis once you’ve resolved the problem. Check that no parts of the fence are missing or damaged. In addition, you should inspect for corrosion on a regular basis. You must also clean it at least once every three months. It will not take long if you are consistent in your fence maintenance.

What Are Some Common Causes of Wrought Iron Fence Damage?

Your wrought iron fence is vulnerable to a number of potential hazards that could cause structural damage. You have some control over the situation, but certain factors are out of your hands.

Immediately inspect any weather-related damage to wrought iron.

Even if your wrought iron fence was designed to withstand all types of weather, it is still susceptible to weather damage. This recurring occurrence is, in all honesty, the most dangerous aspect of your fence’s aesthetic value. Water accumulation, whether from rain, snow, or ice, poses a corrosive risk to your fence. Strong winds are another type of weather event that could jeopardize the integrity of your fence.

Certain things, no matter how hard you try, are simply unavoidable. However, by regularly inspecting your fence for damage, especially after severe weather, you may be able to slow the rusting process.

Corrosion damage may be the most serious threat to a wrought iron fence.

Rusting affects only iron and metal fences. New fence owners who have only had vinyl or timber fencing in the past may find this to be one of the most vexing aspects of their new investment. Any corrosion-related issues must be addressed and resolved as soon as possible.

Pay close attention to previous maintenance instructions to ensure you understand how to resist corrosion.

Your wrought iron fence was not built to support the weight of large objects.

When hanging something on your fence or leaning against it, exercise extreme caution. It is not designed to support extremely heavy weights. Assume that this weight is applied to the fencepost indefinitely. In that case, the post could become twisted and destroyed over time. Despite the fact that no wrought iron fence is intended to support a heavier load for an extended period of time, this is especially true for wrought iron fences with thinner posts.

It is recommended that you do not hang anything from your fence until you are confident that it can withstand the added weight. Large poinsettia wreaths, for example, may not be appropriate, but Christmas lights strung around the fence should be fine. Speak with the contractor who installed your fence if you have any questions or concerns about weight limits.

Collision-Related Unintentional Damage

It is a good idea to highlight your fence with high visibility lights or reflector sticks if you live near a busy street or a curve in the road. Check with your homeowner’s insurance to see if you are financially responsible for any auto-related fence damage.

If something large, such as a car or a tree branch, collides with your fence, it will most likely sustain significant damage. If you notice a problem with the structural integrity of your fence, you must immediately contact the company that installed it.


It is in your best interest to understand the types of maintenance required to keep your wrought iron fence in good condition, as well as the types of damage that may occur to your fence. Wrought iron fencing makes your home’s entrance more aesthetically pleasing and welcoming. If you have any further questions after reading this blog post, please visit With over 25 years of experience in the fence industry, we are the team to contact.


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